Saturday, February 05, 2005

XYZ Reunion Dinner : Awon Korean Restaurant @Excelsior Hotel

Excellent turnout, our batch attendance of 8 being the highest turnout among the others. The ladyboss was very enthusiastic, seeing a full house and served us with a smile throughout the night. Had a 4J outing earlier actually; Zhihao and Shook Hui finally turned up! It's been some time since we met!
On Thurs, Lucia commented on how fortunate i'm to have this grp of friends. I agree totally with her. Frankly, it hasn't been easy maintaining this friendship, not to mention furthur develop it. I had always wanted to bring it to higher levels, but perhaps one cannot be too impulsive or even too ambitious. Maybe it's just not possible for all of us to be equally close to each other. As Sharon mentioned in another context, i cannot expect no one to be left out in a big-group discussion. Similarly, A is bound to be closer to B but not as close to C, so as to speak.

I prefer to keep things small. Manageable. Which means i have got to learn what to do when things grow bigger (think Chem Eng..). On a small scale, let's say I could bring a relationship with A very quickly to a high level, much higher than with the others. But what happens after that? A has got friends within the bigger group as well, and he/she maintains good relationships with them at the same time. On the other hand, i'd tend to grow so comfortable with one-on-one talk, that i simply skim through all the big-gtoup discussions, and wait for time to talk in smaller groups. If not, then "Bye guys, see you again." Full stop, wait for next outing, or enter VR. Firstly, insufficient/half-hearted participation; simply short-sighted. Second, improper closure. Third, almost a waste of time. And if A is such a nice female friend, one may reach a point of making her a girlfriend? To proceed and risk not only rejection but also possible failure to continue a wonderful friendship could possibly mean that it's the end of your half-hearted, reluctant presence in the wider circle of friends.

Is this how i've been behaving sub-consciously for so long?


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